Understanding and navigating genderqueer menopause will be a unique experience. At The Genderqueer Menopause Coach, it’s our mission to shed light on this topic, and to provide valuable information and support for genderqueer folx approaching or undergoing this significant life transition.
Acknowledging Diverse Experiences

Genderqueer individuals, like anyone approaching or experiencing the menopause transition, will have diverse experiences, influenced by factors such as hormone therapies, surgical interventions, lifestyle habits, and elements of personal gender identity. It’s essential to recognize that there’s no one-size-fits-all experience of menopause within the genderqueer community.
Defining your concerns and desires for this time can be a very helpful part of the menopause experience, and can be guided by working with a menopause coach. It is equally important to find a gender-affirming healthcare provider who is also knowledgeable in treatment of the menopause transition.
Hormonal Changes and Dysphoria
Menopause involves hormonal fluctuations, which can impact mood, energy levels, and physical well-being. For genderqueer individuals, these changes may trigger dysphoria or feelings of disconnect from their bodies. And conversely, the transition into menopause and postmenopause, with the cessation of menstruation, may result in gender euphoria, if one’s menstrual cycle had been a cause of dysphoria and/or stressful or problematic in other ways.
Throughout the menopause transition, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care, and to seek support from healthcare providers who understand and respect gender diversity.
Access to Gender-Affirming Healthcare
Genderqueer individuals undergoing menopause may encounter challenges accessing gender-affirming healthcare. This includes finding healthcare providers who are knowledgeable about non-binary identities and respectful of one’s pronouns and preferred names. Advocating for gender-affirming care during menopausal transition is essential for holistic well-being. A menopause coach can be helpful with this aspect, as well as others.
Find Menopause-Trained Healthcare Providers

Many healthcare providers have shockingly small amounts of training in addressing menopause. It is essential to one’s care in the menopause transition to locate a menopause-trained (and ideally certified) healthcare practitioner. If one is genderqueer as well, ideally one may be able to find a healthcare provider who is both gender affirming, and trained in menopause care. One such option is to work with FOLX, which is an excellent resource for all kinds of gender-affirming care, is available in all 50 states, and is telehealth-based.
Redefining Fertility and Parenthood
Menopause signifies the end of biological reproductive capacity, but for genderqueer individuals, fertility and parenthood may hold different meanings. Some genderqueer folx may choose to preserve fertility through egg or sperm freezing before undergoing hormone therapy or surgical transition.
For some folx, going through menopause and the end of biological fertility may cause some emotional distress. For others it may cause elation. For some, it will cause both.
Embracing Body Positivity
Menopause can bring about changes in body shape, skin elasticity, and sexual function, which may affect body image and self-esteem. Genderqueer individuals navigating menopause are encouraged to embrace body positivity and affirm their identities regardless of physical changes. Seeking support from body-positive communities and practicing self-love can be a helpful and empowering step.
Mental Health and Emotional Support
Menopause may impact mental health, possibly leading to symptoms such as increased anxiety, feelings of anger, depression, and/or mood swings. Genderqueer individuals may choose to prioritize mental health and seek emotional support from friends, family, a menopause coach, and/or mental health professionals. Sharing with others experiencing menopause can be a significant source of support. Online support groups, group coaching, and LGBTQ+ affirming therapists may increase one’s sense of wellbeing, and can also provide valuable resources.
Some Things That Will Comprehensively Help

Lift Heavy Shit! “Lift heavy shit!,” to quote Dr. Sims in Next Level–a great book which I highly recommend, even though the language is highly gendered as one will find with most menopause resources. Weight training will help with strength, stamina, self-image, feelings of self-efficacy, mood
Stay Active! Walking is great. If you are not yet used to walking as part of your wellness regime, increase your target number of steps slowly, and be consistent. Try to walk every day. Running can be grea also, especially if it’s already part of your wellness routine. If you love to run, do it! Playing is essential. Playing sports can be great, but also just PLAYING!
Eat Well! Nutrition counts for a lot! Dietary choices can affect hormone regulation, overall energy, mood, and physical capacity.
Drink water! Water is life. It’s also the elixir of youth. Get that glow! Sufficient hydration can also increase organ health, including lowering blood pressure, and protecting your kidneys. If you work out, walk, or run, maintaining hydration is even more important.
Practice self-care! Whatever it looks like for you, practicing self-care can really help you weather the menopause experience more easily.
Practice Meditation, Breathwork, Stress-Reduction! This category makes one of the largest statistical differences in how one experiences menopause.
Practice Community Care. Building friendships with other menopausal folx can be helpful, as can creating or finding situations where you can talk it out. Group coaching can be a great option here.
Celebrating Genderqueer Resilience
Despite the potential challenges, menopause can be a time of growth, self-discovery, and resilience for genderqueer individuals. It’s an opportunity to authentically embrace one’s gender identity, celebrate personal milestones, and build supportive communities. By sharing experiences and supporting each other, genderqueer folx can navigate menopause with strength and solidarity.
Navigating menopause as a genderqueer individual involves unique challenges and opportunities for self-affirmation and growth. By acknowledging diverse experiences, advocating for gender-affirming menopausal healthcare, and prioritizing self-care, genderqueer folx may navigate this life transition with resilience and authenticity.